Competitive Team registration fees will be assessed upon completion of the registration process at the beginning of each swim year (August) or upon joining the team.
Competitive Team monthly dues are due on the (1st) first of each month. The Team Unify Billing System will automatically draft accounts for monthly dues and outstanding balances on the (1st) first of each month. Monthly dues are assessed over an 11 month period (September - July). *Monthly dues are not charged in the month of August. Once successful billing has occurred, team dues will not be refunded.
Texas Elite Swim Team will only accept payments for team dues and other team fees online through the Team Unify Billing System. *Online draft from Visa, Mastercard, or checking account. Payments of cash or check will not be accepted. Payments will not be accepted at the pool or other team locations.
Due to inflationary factors, monthly dues for some groups* have been raised marginally to accommodate rising costs (natural gas, etc.).
Houston Blue Group* - $160
Houston Green Group* - $175
Houston Elite Group* - $190
Katy White Groups - $165
Katy Blue Groups - $175
Katy Green Groups - $190
Katy Green+ Group* - $200
Katy Elite Group* - $210
Nonrecurring charges (meet fees, cap purchase, additional apparel purchase) will be billed at the time they are incurred.
If total outstanding account balances are not received by the (10th) tenth of each month, a $25 late fee will be assessed. Members will not be allowed to participate in team activities if their financial obligations to the club are not fulfilled by the (10th) tenth of the month.
Families wishing to withdraw from the program or suspend an account must submit the withdrawal/suspension form a minimum of (10) ten days prior to the next billing date (1st) to avoid incurring an additional billing cycle.
A swimmer is not considered suspended or withdrawn from the program until the form has been received and verified. Once successful billing has occurred on the (1st) first of the month, team dues will not be refunded. Withdrawals or suspension requests received less than (10) ten days before the next billing date will result in an additional billing cycle.